Intelligent Communication

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
WorldCIS 2024 World Congress on Intelligent Systems
Nov 4, 2024 - Nov 6, 2024 Oxford, UK Sep 15, 2024 (Sep 5, 2024)
Expired CFPs
HongKong-IDITR 2024 2024 3rd International Conference on Innovations and Development of Information Technologies and Robotics (IDITR 2024)
May 23, 2024 - May 25, 2024 HongKong Apr 20, 2024
Scopus-IDITR 2024 2024 3rd International Conference on Innovations and Development of Information Technologies and Robotics (IDITR 2024)
May 23, 2024 - May 25, 2024 HongKong Apr 20, 2024
MECN 2019 Deadline approaching | The 4th International Workshop on Multi-access Edge Computing and Networking
Oct 21, 2019 - Oct 23, 2019 Shenyang China Aug 10, 2019
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