High Performance Computing

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
CIW-IUS 2023 Second Combined Workshop on Interactive and Urgent High-Performance Computing
May 25, 2023 - May 25, 2023 Hamburg, Germany Mar 31, 2023
iWAPT 2023 The Eighteenth International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning
May 19, 2023 - May 19, 2023 St. Petersburg, Florida, USA Feb 12, 2023
HIPS 2023 28th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments
May 15, 2023 - May 15, 2023 St. Petersburg, Florida USA Jan 19, 2023
BID 2023 Benchmarking in the Data Center: Expanding to the Cloud
Feb 25, 2023 - Feb 25, 2023 Hotel Bonaventure Montreal, Canada Jan 5, 2023
ISC HPC 2023 ISC High Performance 2023
May 21, 2023 - May 25, 2023 Hamburg, Germany Dec 23, 2022
GPGPU 2023 15th Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using GPU
Feb 25, 2023 - Feb 26, 2023 Montreal, Canada Dec 9, 2022
ExHET 2023 The 2nd International Workshop on Extreme Heterogeneity Solutions
Feb 25, 2023 - Mar 1, 2023 Montreal, Canada Dec 8, 2022
BigGraphs 2022 BigGraphs 2022 : International Workshop on High Performance Big Graph Data Management, Analysis, and Mining (BigGraphs)
Dec 17, 2022 - Dec 20, 2022 Osaka, Japan Nov 4, 2022
BigSpatial 2022 10th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data
Nov 1, 2022 - Nov 1, 2022 Seattle Sep 9, 2022
Metaverse 2022 Metaverse 2022, The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Metaverse
Dec 15, 2022 - Dec 18, 2022 Haikou, China Sep 1, 2022
Metaverse 2022 The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Metaverse (Metaverse 2022)
Dec 15, 2022 - Dec 15, 2022 Haikou, China Sep 1, 2022
HPCC 2022 IEEE HPCC-2022 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications
Dec 18, 2022 - Dec 20, 2022 Chengdu China Sep 1, 2022
ExaMPI 2022 ExaMPI22 - Workshop on Exascale MPI 2022 @ SC22
Nov 13, 2022 - Nov 13, 2022 Dallas, TX Aug 1, 2022
BDL 2022 Workshop on Big Data & Deep Learning in High Performance Computing
Nov 2, 2022 - Nov 2, 2022 Bordeaux Jul 30, 2022
WMLQ 2022 International Workshop on Machine Learning and Quantum Computing Applications in Medicine and Physics
Sep 13, 2022 - Sep 16, 2022 Warsaw, Poland Jul 17, 2022
SBAC-PAD 2022 The 34th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing
Nov 2, 2022 - Nov 5, 2022 Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France Jul 8, 2022 (Jul 4, 2022)
HiPC 2022 29th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data & Analytics
Dec 18, 2022 - Dec 21, 2022 Bengaluru, India Jul 8, 2022 (Jul 4, 2022)
EuroMPI/USA 2022 EuroMPI/USA 2022
Sep 20, 2022 - Sep 22, 2022 Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA May 23, 2022 (May 16, 2022)
HeteroPar 2022 Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms
Aug 22, 2022 - Aug 23, 2022 Glasgow, UK May 20, 2022
WQCC 2022 First Workshop on Quantum Computing and Communication
Sep 11, 2022 - Sep 14, 2022 Gdansk, Poland May 20, 2022
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