Health Informatics

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
CBM-EHR4C&TR 2014 Computers in Biology and Medicine Special Issue on Electronic Health Records for Clinical and Translational Research
Aug 31, 2014 - Aug 31, 2014 Computers in Biology and Medicine Apr 30, 2014
ICSH 2014 The International Conference for Smart Health 2014
Jul 10, 2014 - Jul 11, 2014 Beijing, China Apr 30, 2014
AIMA 2014 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications
Sep 7, 2014 - Sep 10, 2014 Warsaw, Poland Apr 23, 2014
W3PHI 2014 AAAI Workshop on the World Wide Web and Public Health Intelligence (W3PHI 2014)
Jul 27, 2014 - Jul 27, 2014 Quebec city, Canada Apr 10, 2014
PAHI 2014 2nd European Workshop on Practical Aspects of Health Informatics (PAHI 2014)
May 19, 2014 - May 20, 2014 Trondheim, Norway Mar 15, 2014
MIE 2014 Medical Informatics Europe
Aug 31, 2014 - Sep 3, 2014 Istanbul (TR) Jan 31, 2014
IASIS 2014 1st Iberoamerican Workshop in Interoperable Health Information Systems
Feb 11, 2014 - Feb 15, 2014 Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil Jan 27, 2014
BHI 2014 International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics
Jun 1, 2013 - Jun 4, 2014 Valencia Spain Dec 9, 2013
IT Professional 2014 Life Sciences Computing,
N/A N/A Dec 1, 2013
NanoInfo 2013 2013 IEEE Workshop on Nanoinformatics for Biomedicine
Dec 18, 2013 - Dec 21, 2013 Shanghai, China Oct 5, 2013
HEALTHINF 2014 7th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF)
Mar 3, 2014 - Mar 6, 2014 France Sep 19, 2013
MLPM 2013 Machine Learning for Predictive Models (MLPM 2013), a special session at the 12th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning and Applications
Dec 4, 2013 - Dec 7, 2013 Miami, Florida, USA Aug 31, 2013
INFORMS DM-HI 2013 8th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics
Oct 5, 2013 - Oct 5, 2013 Minneapolis, MN, USA Jul 15, 2013
GLOBAL HEALTH 2013 The Second International Conference on Global Health Challenges
Nov 17, 2013 - Nov 22, 2013 Lisbon (PT) Jun 26, 2013
HI-BI-BI 2013 International Symposium on Network Enabled Health Informatics, Biomedicine and Bioinformatics
Aug 25, 2013 - Aug 28, 2013 Niagara Falls - Canada May 15, 2013 (May 8, 2013)
BHI 2013 Brain and Health Informatics 2013
Oct 29, 2013 - Oct 31, 2013 Maebashi, Japan Apr 15, 2013 (Jun 15, 2013)
LLPH 2013 1st International Workshop of Lifelogging for Pervasive Health
May 5, 2013 - May 5, 2013 Venice, Italy Mar 29, 2013
CBMS 2013 26th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
Jun 20, 2013 - Jun 22, 2013 Porto, Portugal Feb 21, 2013
SPH 2013 Security and Privacy in Healthcare IT (special track in CBMS2013)
Jun 20, 2013 - Jun 22, 2013 Porto, Portugal Feb 21, 2013
PAHI 2013 European Workshop on Practical Aspects of Health Informatics
Mar 11, 2013 - Mar 12, 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Feb 1, 2013
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