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(ordered by deadline)
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Expired CFPs
WASH 2013 Workshop on Web Applications and Secure Hardware
Jun 20, 2013 - Jun 20, 2013 London, UK Apr 5, 2013
HASP 2012 Workshop on Hardware and Architectural Support for Security and Privacy
Dec 2, 2012 - Dec 2, 2012 Vancouver, BC, Canada Oct 7, 2012
FPGA 2013 ACM International Symposium on FPGAs
Feb 11, 2013 - Feb 13, 2013 Monterey, CA Sep 28, 2012
RC 2012 Workshop on Reversible Computation
Jul 2, 2012 - Jul 3, 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark Mar 9, 2012 (Mar 2, 2012)
HardBio-VLSI 2012 Special Issue on Hardware for Bioinformatics Applications (Integration, The VLSI Journal)
N/A N/A Feb 29, 2012
edaWorkshop12 Electronic Design Automation Workshop 2012
May 8, 2012 - May 9, 2012 Hannover, Germany Jan 9, 2012
CryptArchi 2011 CryptArchi 2011
Jun 15, 2011 - Jun 18, 2011 Bochüm, Germany Apr 29, 2011
ICOSST 2010 Fourth International Conference on Open-Source Systems and Technologies
Dec 22, 2010 - Dec 24, 2010 Lahore Nov 15, 2010
CHES 2009 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
Sep 6, 2009 - Sep 9, 2009 Lausanne, Switzerland Mar 16, 2009
WOC 2009 The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications
Jul 6, 2009 - Jul 8, 2009 Banff, Alberta, Canada Feb 16, 2009
CSE 2007 Computer Science and Engineering - 2007
Oct 4, 2007 - Oct 6, 2007 Lviv Sep 21, 2007
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