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(ordered by deadline)
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Expired CFPs
G|A|M|E 2016 G|A|M|E Journal n.5/2016 'Games on Games. Game design as critical reflexive practice'
N/A N/A Oct 5, 2015
IE 2016 Interactive Entertainment 2016 - Submission DEADLINE EXTENDED
Feb 2, 2016 - Feb 5, 2016 Canberra, Australia Sep 14, 2015
GIC 2015 Game Industry Conference 2015
Oct 16, 2015 - Oct 18, 2015 Poznan, Poland Sep 10, 2015
GUR Tool Design Jam 2015 Tool Design Jam: Designing Tools for Games User Research
Oct 4, 2015 - Oct 4, 2015 London, England Aug 30, 2015
SIVW 2015 Call for Chapter Proposals: Social Interaction in Virtual Worlds (Cambridge University Publishing)
N/A N/A Jul 30, 2015
CI & Games Session / CEEC 2015 Computational Intelligence and Games Special Session at CEEC 2015
Sep 24, 2015 - Sep 25, 2015 Colchester, UK Jun 30, 2015
IGGSC 2015 Second International Go Game Science Conference
Jul 29, 2015 - Jul 30, 2015 Liberec, Czech Republic May 25, 2015
ICEC 2015 International Conference on Entertainment Computing
Sep 30, 2015 - Oct 2, 2015 Trondheim, Norway Apr 28, 2015
CCGW 2015 1st Workshop on Computational Creativity and Games
Jun 28, 2015 - Jun 28, 2015 Park City, Utah Apr 27, 2015
Jul 25, 2015 - Jul 27, 2015 Buenos Aires Apr 27, 2015
iGBL 2015 5th Irish Symposium on Game-Based Learning
Jun 4, 2015 - Jun 5, 2015 IADT (Dublin, Ireland) Apr 10, 2015
CSG / iLRN 2015 Special Track on Cognitive Serious Gaming at iLRN 2015
Jul 13, 2015 - Jul 14, 2015 Prague, Czech Republic Mar 30, 2015
IVA 2015 Fifteenth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents
Aug 26, 2015 - Aug 28, 2015 Delft, The Netherlands Mar 22, 2015
HYBRID CITY 2015 The HYBRID CITY 3 : Data to the People
Sep 17, 2015 - Sep 19, 2015 Athens, Greece Mar 15, 2015
Jun 22, 2015 - Jun 25, 2015 Pacific Grove, CA Feb 13, 2015
GAS 2015 4th Fourth International Workshop on Games and Software Engineering
May 18, 2015 - May 18, 2015 Florence, Italy Jan 23, 2015
CIAG@CEC 2015 IEEE CEC 2015 - Special Session on Computational Intelligence and Games
May 25, 2015 - May 28, 2015 Sendai, Japan Dec 19, 2014
EGG 2014 Exploration on Games and Gamers
Nov 10, 2014 - Nov 10, 2014 Barcelona, Spain Sep 15, 2014
NetGames 2014 The 13th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games
Dec 4, 2014 - Dec 5, 2014 Nagoya, Japan Aug 22, 2014
4th INTERREG Conference 2014 4th INTERREG Conference - Global culture and creativity: from design to innovation and enterprise?
Nov 5, 2014 - Nov 7, 2014 Winchester - UK Jul 18, 2014
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