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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
WCLOUD 2013 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments
May 6, 2013 - May 8, 2013 Aachen, Germany Feb 14, 2013
COIL Conference 2013 5th COIL Conference - Can Globally Networked Learning Anchor Internationalization in the Curricular Mainstream?
Apr 3, 2013 - Apr 4, 2013 New York, NY Feb 8, 2013
ECIL 2013 The European Conference on Information Literacy
Oct 22, 2013 - Oct 25, 2013 Istanbul, Turkey Feb 1, 2013
N/A N/A Jan 1, 2013
EIAH 2013 EIAH 2013 – IRIT, Toulouse
May 29, 2013 - May 31, 2013 Toulouse Dec 22, 2012
INTED 2013 INTED2013 (7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference)
Mar 4, 2013 - Mar 6, 2013 Valencia Nov 29, 2012
CSCL 2013 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Jul 15, 2013 - Jul 19, 2013 Madison, Wisconsin, USA Nov 2, 2012
TEL Papers/Chapters 2012 Call for Chapters/Papers on Technology Enhanced Learning
N/A N/A Oct 20, 2012 (Sep 20, 2012)
ELVW 2013 Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds Conference 2013
Mar 7, 2013 - Mar 9, 2013 Lisbon, Portugal Oct 12, 2012
WCLOUD 2012 International Workshop on Cloud Education Environments
Nov 15, 2012 - Nov 16, 2012 Antigua Guatemal, Guatemala Oct 7, 2012
ELS 2012 The 7th Workshop on E-Learning Security
Dec 10, 2012 - Dec 12, 2012 London, UK Oct 1, 2012
Special Issue in JEIM 2012 Special Issue on Social Media in Business and Education
N/A N/A Sep 21, 2012
ATICA 2012 IV Congreso Internacional sobre Aplicacion de Tecnologias de la Informacion y Comunicaciones Avanzadas
Oct 24, 2012 - Oct 26, 2012 Loja, Ecuador Sep 20, 2012
IWEP 2012 International Workshop on Educational Patterns
Nov 8, 2012 - Nov 9, 2012 Krems/Austria Aug 31, 2012
VCOBAM 2012 Third Virtual Conference on Business and Management
Oct 26, 2012 - Oct 27, 2012 Internet Aug 7, 2012
ICVL 2012 The 7th International Conference on Virtual Learning
Nov 2, 2012 - Nov 3, 2012 BRASOV, ROMANIA-Europe Aug 1, 2012 (Jul 30, 2012)
TaPTA 2012 Towards Theory and Practice of Teaching Analytics Workshop at EC-TEL 2012
Sep 18, 2012 - Sep 18, 2012 Saarbrücken, Germany Jul 15, 2012
UXeLATE 2012 ACM MM - Workshop on User Experience in e-Learning and Augmented Technologies in Education
Oct 29, 2012 - Nov 2, 2012 Nara, Japan Jun 30, 2012
ICL 2012 15th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning
Sep 26, 2012 - Sep 28, 2012 Villach, Austria May 14, 2012 (Apr 23, 2012)
PALE 2012 International Workshop on Personalization Approaches in Learning Environments
Jul 16, 2012 - Jul 20, 2012 Montreal, Canada May 13, 2012
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