Distributed Systems

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
MAS&S 2013 7th Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation 2013
Sep 16, 2013 - Sep 20, 2013 Koblenz, Germany May 1, 2013
SeDiS 2013 International Workshop on Services for Large Scale Distributed Systems
Sep 9, 2013 - Sep 11, 2013 Xian, China Apr 30, 2013
DMS 2013 The 19th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems
Aug 8, 2013 - Aug 10, 2013 Brighton, United Kingdom Apr 29, 2013
SRDS 2013 32nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems
Oct 1, 2013 - Oct 3, 2013 Braga, Portugal Apr 8, 2013 (Apr 2, 2013)
ICDCS/CCRM 2013 ICDCS/CCRM 2013 The First International Workshop on Resource Management of Cloud Computing
Apr 8, 2013 - Apr 8, 2013 Philadelphia Mar 8, 2013
Jun 19, 2013 - Jun 23, 2013 Lisbon Mar 4, 2013 (Feb 24, 2013)
ADHOC-NOW 2013 ADHOC-NOW: : Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks
Jul 8, 2013 - Jul 10, 2013 Wroclaw, Poland Mar 3, 2013
ECSA 2013 7th European Conference on Software Architecture 2013
Jul 1, 2013 - Jul 5, 2013 Montpellier, France Mar 3, 2013 (Feb 24, 2013)
SIMPLEX 2013 The 5th Annual Workshop on Simplifying Complex Networks for Practitioners
May 13, 2013 - May 17, 2013 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Feb 22, 2013
USENIX ATC 2013 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
Jun 26, 2013 - Jun 28, 2013 San Jose Jan 30, 2013 (Jan 23, 2013)
NETYS 2013 International Conference on NETwork sYStems
May 2, 2013 - May 4, 2013 Marrakesh, Marocco Jan 21, 2013 (Jan 15, 2013)
APDCM 2013 15th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models
May 20, 2013 - May 20, 2013 Boston Jan 20, 2013 (Jan 15, 2012)
DANMS 2013 6th IFIP/IEEE Distributed Autonomous Network Management Systems
May 31, 2013 - May 31, 2013 Ghent University, Belgium Jan 18, 2013
LSDS-IR 2013 LSDS-IR 2013: 10th Int'l Workshop on Large-Scal​e and Distribute​d Systems for IR
Feb 5, 2013 - Feb 5, 2013 Rome Nov 30, 2012
SBRC - 2012 The 30th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems
Apr 30, 2012 - May 4, 2012 Ouro Preto, Brazil Nov 29, 2012 (Nov 22, 2012)
ICDCS 2013 The 33rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
Jul 8, 2013 - Jul 11, 2013 Philadelphia, USA Nov 16, 2012 (Nov 12, 2012)
ITNG 2013 Peer to Peer Technologies
Apr 15, 2013 - Apr 17, 2013 April 15-17, 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, US Nov 16, 2012
HiCoNS 2013 2nd ACM International Conference on High Confidence Networked Systems
Apr 9, 2013 - Apr 11, 2013 Philadelphia, PA USA Nov 15, 2012
SIGMOD 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
Jun 23, 2013 - Jun 28, 2013 New York Nov 13, 2012
CCGrid 2013 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium On Cluster, Cloud And Grid Computing
May 13, 2013 - May 16, 2013 Delft, Netherlands Nov 12, 2012
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