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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
WADDatabase Day 2021 WeAreDevelopers Live - Database Day
Sep 30, 2021 - Sep 30, 2021 Online Sep 2, 2021
DaWaK 2021 The 23rd International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery
Sep 27, 2021 - Sep 30, 2021 Linz, Austria (Virtual) May 2, 2021
ER 2021 40th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling
Oct 18, 2021 - Oct 21, 2021 St. John's, Canada Apr 28, 2021 (Apr 21, 2021)
ADC 2022 2022 Australasian Database Conference
Sep 3, 2022 - Sep 4, 2022 Sydney, Australia Apr 20, 2021
SSTD 2021 17th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases
Aug 23, 2009 - Aug 25, 2009 Online Apr 9, 2021 (Apr 2, 2021) 2021
Jul 13, 2021 - Jul 14, 2021 online Feb 11, 2021
DASFAA 2021 Database Systems for Advanced Applications
Apr 11, 2021 - Apr 14, 2021 Taipei, Taiwan Nov 11, 2020 (Oct 28, 2020)
EDBT 2021 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology
Mar 23, 2021 - Mar 26, 2021 Nicosia, Cyprus Oct 9, 2020 (Oct 2, 2020)
Oct 19, 2020 - Oct 23, 2020 Online May 15, 2020 (May 8, 2020)
APWeb-WAIM 2020 Call for Papers: APWeb-WAIM 2020, Demo Track
Aug 12, 2020 - Aug 14, 2020 Tianjin, China Apr 25, 2020
MobiSocial 2020 5th International Workshop on Mobile Data Management, Mining, and Computing on Social Network
Jun 30, 2020 - Jun 30, 2020 Versailles, France Apr 1, 2020
DASFAA 2020 Database Systems for Advanced Applications
May 21, 2020 - May 24, 2020 Seoguipo KAL Hotel, Jeju, Korea Dec 20, 2019 (Dec 13, 2019)
ACIIDS 2020 Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems
Mar 23, 2020 - Mar 26, 2020 Phuket, Thailand Oct 1, 2019
AI3D 2019 Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for 3D Big Spatial Data Processing
Dec 9, 2019 - Dec 11, 2019 San Diego, California, USA Sep 22, 2019
DEW 2019 DEW 2018 : Data Exploration in the Web 3.0 Age (IEEE WETICE 2019 track)
Jun 12, 2019 - Jun 14, 2019 Capri Island, Naples, Italy Mar 12, 2019
[Deadline Extended] APWeb-WAIM 2019 The APWeb-WAIM Joint Conference on Web and Big Data
Aug 1, 2019 - Aug 3, 2019 Chengdu, China Mar 1, 2019
MDM 2019 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management
Jun 10, 2019 - Jun 13, 2019 Hong Kong Jan 18, 2019 (Jan 11, 2019)
BlockDM 2019 The First International Workshop on Blockchain and Data Management (In Conjunction with ICDE 2019)
Apr 8, 2019 - Apr 8, 2019 Macau Jan 12, 2019
CIDR 2019 The 9th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research
Jan 13, 2019 - Jan 16, 2019 Asilomar, CA, USA Aug 20, 2018
EYRE 2018 1st International Workshop on EntitY REtrieval, co-located with CIKM 2018
Oct 22, 2018 - Oct 22, 2018 Turin, Italy Jul 25, 2018
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