Data Science

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
IEEE ICDM DL-CTI 2020 IEEE ICDM Workshop on Deep Learning for Cyber Threat Intelligence (DL-CTI)
Nov 17, 2020 - Nov 20, 2020 Sorrento, Italy Aug 24, 2020
NeuRec 2020 ICDM Workshop on Recommender Systems 2020
Nov 17, 2020 - Nov 20, 2020 Sorrento, Italy Aug 24, 2020
IEEE ISI 2020 IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI)
Nov 9, 2020 - Nov 10, 2020 Virtual Aug 15, 2020
IDSTA 2020 IEEE co-sponsored International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications
Oct 19, 2020 - Oct 22, 2020 Valencia, Spain Aug 10, 2020
IoT-DataScience 2020 Call for Book Chapters on Emerging Trends in IoT and Integration with Data Science, IGI Global 2020
May 11, 2020 - Aug 3, 2020 Leeds, UK Aug 3, 2020 (Jun 1, 2020)
Data Science in Pandemic Management 2020 Data Science Advancements in Pandemic and Outbreak Management
Jul 1, 2020 - Jul 29, 2020 N/A Jul 29, 2020
CODS-COMAD 2021 ACM India Joint International Conference on Data Science & Management of Data
Jan 2, 2021 - Jan 4, 2021 Bangalore, India Jul 10, 2020
HiPC 2020 27th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics
Dec 16, 2020 - Dec 19, 2020 Pune, India Jul 8, 2020 (Jul 1, 2020)
WITCOM 2020 The 9th International Congress of Telematics & Computing
Nov 2, 2020 - Nov 6, 2020 Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico Jul 5, 2020
AALTD 2020 5th ECML/PKDD Workshop on Advanced Analytics and Learning on Temporal Data
Sep 14, 2020 - Sep 18, 2020 Ghent/Belgium Jun 9, 2020
SoGood 2020 SoGood 2020 – 5th Workshop on Data Science for Social Good (ECML-PKDD 2020)
Sep 14, 2020 - Sep 14, 2020 Ghent, Belgium Jun 11, 2020
IDEAS 2020 IDEAS 2020 - 24th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
Aug 12, 2020 - Aug 18, 2020 Incheon May 29, 2020
DSAA 2020 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics
Oct 6, 2020 - Oct 9, 2020 Sydney, Australia May 24, 2020
IADSDTP 2020 Interdisciplinary Approaches in Data Science and Digital Transformation Practice / in the scope of KES 2020
Sep 16, 2020 - Sep 18, 2020 Verona May 15, 2020
MADEISD 2020 Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design
Aug 25, 2020 - Aug 28, 2020 Online (originally: Lyon) Apr 30, 2020
AI-BD-HS 2020 Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Resources Poor Healthcare Systems (Springer Nature Book series)
N/A N/A Apr 30, 2020 (Dec 15, 2019)
ECML PKDD Industrial Track 2020 Call for ECML PKDD Industrial Track contributions
Sep 14, 2020 - Sep 18, 2020 Ghent Apr 30, 2020
FODS 2020 ACM-IMS Foundations of Data Science Conference
Oct 18, 2020 - Oct 20, 2020 Seattle Apr 13, 2020
IEEE-IIB 2020 IEEE-IIB: Call for PhD thesis abstracts
N/A N/A Mar 31, 2020
MCUBED 2020 Mcubed AI London - AI, ML and analytics conference
Oct 12, 2020 - Oct 13, 2020 London Mar 30, 2020
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