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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
LCTES 2017 Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
Jun 21, 2017 - Jun 22, 2017 Barcelona, Spain Feb 14, 2017
COSMIC 2017 International Workshop on Code Optimisation for Multi and many Cores
Feb 4, 2017 - Feb 5, 2017 Austin, TX Nov 27, 2016
EMAO 2016 Special Issue on Embedded Multicore Applications and Optimization in Journal of Signal Processing Systems
N/A N/A Nov 15, 2016
CGO 2017 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
Feb 4, 2017 - Feb 8, 2017 Austin, TX Sep 9, 2016 (Sep 2, 2016)
LCTES 2016 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems (Call for Posters)
Jun 13, 2016 - Jun 14, 2016 Santa Barbara, California, USA May 6, 2016
ICOOOLPS 2016 11th Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of OO Languages, Programs and Systems
Jul 18, 2016 - Jul 18, 2016 Rome, Italy Apr 22, 2016 (Apr 17, 2016)
SBLP 2016 20th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
Sep 22, 2016 - Sep 23, 2016 Maringá, Brazil Apr 15, 2016 (Apr 8, 2016)
MICRO 2016 International Symposium on Microarchitecture
Oct 15, 2016 - Oct 19, 2016 Taiwan, Taipei Apr 10, 2016 (Apr 3, 2016)
ESWeek 2016 Embedded Systems Week
Oct 2, 2016 - Oct 7, 2016 Pittsburgh, PA, USA Apr 8, 2016 (Apr 1, 2016)
ESCS 2016 The 14th International Conference on Embedded Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Applications
Jul 25, 2016 - Jul 28, 2016 Las Vegas, NV Mar 22, 2016
PACT 2016 25th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques
Sep 11, 2016 - Sep 15, 2016 Haifa, Israel Mar 18, 2016 (Mar 12, 2016)
LCTES 2016 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory for Embedded Systems
Jun 13, 2016 - Jun 14, 2016 Santa Barbara, California, USA Feb 8, 2016
ASR-MOV 2016 Architectures and Systems for Real-time Mobile Vision applications
Mar 12, 2016 - Mar 12, 2016 Barcelona, Spain Jan 26, 2016
ALLIANCE 2016 International Workshop on Applications of Language Engineering Techniques in Many-Core Compilers
Mar 13, 2016 - Mar 13, 2016 Barcelona Dec 21, 2015
CC 2016 25th International Conference on Compiler Construction
Mar 17, 2016 - Mar 18, 2016 Barcelona, Spain Nov 20, 2015 (Nov 13, 2015)
CGO 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
Mar 12, 2016 - Mar 18, 2016 Barcelona, Spain Sep 18, 2015 (Sep 12, 2015)
GIM2P 2015 Special Session on General Issues in Many-core Programming & Programmability
Sep 23, 2015 - Sep 25, 2015 Turin, Italy Mar 31, 2015
SLATE 2015 Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies
Jun 18, 2015 - Jun 19, 2015 Madrid, Spain Mar 26, 2015
COSMIC 2015 COSMIC: international workshop on Code OptimiSation for MultI and many Cores
Feb 8, 2015 - Feb 8, 2015 San Francisco Bay Area Dec 1, 2014
CGO 2015 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
Feb 7, 2015 - Feb 11, 2015 San Francisco Bay Area Sep 5, 2014 (Aug 29, 2014)
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