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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Mathematically Modeling Early Christian 2024 Call for Papers - Mathematically Modeling Early Christian Literature: Theories, Methods, and Future Directions
N/A N/A Oct 31, 2024
Expired CFPs
CIVITAS Conference 2019 CIVITAS Conference: Christian Democratic People’s Parties and the Rise of Populism 1940s-2010s
Nov 21, 2019 - Nov 22, 2019 Nijmegen, The Netherlands Apr 15, 2019
Poetics/Christianity&Lit 2018 Poetics/Praxis: A Special Issue of the Journal Christianity and Literature
N/A N/A Mar 1, 2018
AAR/Mormon Studies 2013 Mormon Studies, American Academy of Religon, Pacfic Northwest Region
May 3, 2013 - May 5, 2013 Seattle University, Seattle, WA Jan 21, 2013
Entry 2022 Celebration of the 4th anniversary of the entry into New Jerusalem
Dec 12, 2022 - Dec 12, 2022 Berlin TBD
Renewal 2023 Feast of Renewal
Apocalypse 2024 Apocalypse Now
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