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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
AIMHC 2024 First IEEE International Conference on AI for Medicine, Health, and Care
Feb 5, 2024 - Feb 7, 2024 Laguna Hills, CA Oct 15, 2023
THCA 2021 Thyroid hormones and cardiac arrhythmia
N/A N/A Jul 31, 2021
K-Imaging 2020 Korea Cardiovascular Interventional Imaging Forum
Sep 4, 2020 - Sep 5, 2020 Gwangju - South Korea Jun 7, 2020
CPPEI 2017 2nd Congress of Cardiovascular Prevention in Pre-Elderly & Elderly Individuals (CPPEI 2017)
Jul 7, 2017 - Jul 9, 2017 Vienna, Austria Apr 30, 2017
IMCO 2017 The 2nd International Meeting on CardiOncology (IMCO2017)
Jun 15, 2017 - Jun 16, 2017 Tel Aviv, Israel Mar 1, 2017
International Academy of Cardiology 2016 International Academy of Cardiology, Annual Scientific Sessions 2016, 21st World Congress on Heart Disease
Jul 30, 2016 - Aug 1, 2016 Westin Copley Place, Boston, MA, USA Feb 25, 2016
PreHT 2016 The 4th International Conference on Prehypertension, Hypertension & Cardio Metabolic Syndrome
Mar 3, 2016 - Mar 6, 2016 Venice, Italy Nov 15, 2015
IDSS 2016 The 13th International Dead Sea Symposium (IDSS) on Innovations in Cardiac Arrhythmias and Device Therapy
Mar 6, 2016 - Mar 9, 2016 Tel Aviv Sep 8, 2015
ISH & ISCS 2015 The 62nd Annual conference of the Israel Heart Society in association with the Israel Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Apr 13, 2015 - Apr 14, 2015 Tel-Aviv, Israel Dec 18, 2014
Lipidology 2014 The 2nd World Congress on Clinical Lipidology
Dec 5, 2014 - Dec 7, 2014 Intercontinental Vienna Jul 31, 2014 (Sep 1, 2013)
International Academy of Cardiology 2014 International Academy of Cardiology, Annual Scientific Sessions 2014, 19th World Congress on Heart Disease
Jul 25, 2014 - Jul 28, 2014 Boston, MA, USA Feb 25, 2014
IHS & ISCS 2014 The 61st Annual conference of the Israel Heart Society in association with the Israel Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Apr 30, 2014 - May 1, 2014 Tel-Aviv, Israel Dec 22, 2013
CinC 2012 Computing in Cardiology Conference
Sep 9, 2012 - Sep 12, 2012 Krakow, Poland May 1, 2012
CinC 2011 Computing in Cardiology Conference
Sep 18, 2011 - Sep 21, 2011 Hangzhou, China May 1, 2011
CinC 2010 Computing in Cardiology
Sep 26, 2010 - Sep 29, 2010 Belfast, United Kingdom May 1, 2010
LIPIDS 2017 3rd World Congress on Clinical Lipidology
Feb 10, 2017 - Feb 12, 2017 Brisbane TBD
FIXED 2017 7th International Conference on Fixed Combination Therapy in Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia and the Cardio-Metabolic Syndrome
Mar 2, 2017 - Mar 5, 2017 Cannes, France TBD
CPP 2014 The Third International Meeting on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy
Feb 20, 2014 - Feb 23, 2014 Hiton Molino Stucky Venice TBD
IMCO 2015 International Meeting on Cardioncology - Towards a Comprehensive Cardiac - Cancer Care
Feb 12, 2015 - Feb 13, 2015 Hilton Tel Aviv TBD
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