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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
AIA 2023 Artificial Intelligence-based Assistants Minitrack, HICSS 56
Jan 3, 2023 - Jan 6, 2023 Maui, USA Jun 15, 2022
BPMS2 2022 15th Workshop on Social and Human Aspects of Business Process Management (BPMS2’22)
Sep 13, 2022 - Sep 13, 2022 Münster, Germany Jun 5, 2022
AMCIS 2022 Sourcing Through the Crowd: Issues in Platform-enabled Work
Aug 10, 2022 - Aug 10, 2022 Minneapolis, Minnesota Mar 1, 2022
SISP 2022 Social Information Systems and Platforms: Designing Complexity Minitrack HICSS 55
Jan 4, 2022 - Jan 7, 2022 Maui, USA Jun 15, 2021
PASS-ECOOP 2019 Programming Across the System Stack
Jul 19, 2019 - Jul 19, 2019 London Jun 3, 2019
MIDDLEWARE 2019 ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference
Dec 9, 2019 - Dec 13, 2019 UC Davis, CA, USA May 17, 2019 (May 10, 2019)
IoT-ASAP 2019 3rd International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms
Mar 25, 2019 - Mar 26, 2019 Hamburg, Germany Jan 17, 2019
SiBW 2018 Software-intensive Business Workshop on Start-ups, Platforms and Ecosystems
Dec 3, 2018 - Dec 3, 2018 Helsinkin, Finland Oct 1, 2018
IoT-ASAP 2018 2nd International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms
Apr 30, 2018 - Apr 30, 2018 Seattle, USA Mar 14, 2018
IWSECO 2016 International Workshop on Software Ecosystems
Dec 10, 2016 - Dec 10, 2016 Dublin Nov 1, 2016
DC-MMDS 2013 Workshop on Design Challenges in Mobile Medical Device Systems (In Conjunction with IEEE Secon 2013)
Jun 24, 2013 - Jun 24, 2013 New Orleans, LA Apr 19, 2013
BMMP 2012 4th International Workshop on Business Models for Mobile Platforms: Mobile Applications, Networks and Communities
Oct 11, 2012 - Oct 11, 2012 Berlin, Germany Apr 30, 2012
EWSECO 2021 The 8th European Workshop on Software Ecosystems:Growth strategies for platform ecosystems and business networks
Apr 29, 2012 - Apr 29, 2012 Heilbronn Mar 30, 2012
BMMP 2011 Business Models for Mobile Platforms
Oct 7, 2011 - Oct 7, 2011 Berlin, Germany Mar 21, 2011
TRIDENTCOM 2010 6th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities
May 3, 2010 - May 6, 2010 Berlin, Germany Oct 30, 2009
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