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Expired CFPs
IFAC MIM SIMCA 2016 Invited Session on System Identification for Manufacturing Control Applications of the IFAC MIM '2016
Jun 28, 2016 - Jun 30, 2016 Troyes, France Dec 31, 2015
May 11, 2015 - May 13, 2015 Ottawa Dec 31, 2014
IFAC MILANO 2011 IFAC 18th World Congress
Aug 28, 2011 - Sep 2, 2011 Milano, Italy Sep 30, 2010
SWIIS 2010 IFAC Workshop Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability
Oct 27, 2010 - Oct 29, 2010 Prishtina-Kosovo Jun 30, 2010
WICS 2010 IFAC Workshop Intelligent Control Systems
Sep 29, 2010 - Oct 2, 2010 Sinaia, Romania Jun 15, 2010
IFAC AAC 2010 IFAC Symposium Advances in Automotive Control
Jul 12, 2010 - Jul 14, 2010 Munich, Germany May 25, 2010
FDA 2010 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications
Oct 18, 2010 - Oct 20, 2010 Badajoz, Spain May 14, 2010
PSYCO 2010 IFAC Workshop Periodic Control Systems
Aug 26, 2010 - Aug 28, 2010 Antalya, Turkey May 2, 2010
PDeS 2010 IFAC Workshop Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems
Oct 6, 2010 - Oct 8, 2010 Pszczyna, Poland Apr 30, 2010
NecSys 2010 IFAC CSS Workshop Second Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems
Sep 13, 2010 - Sep 14, 2010 Annecy, France Apr 30, 2010
ACCA 2010 ACCA Latin American Control Conference
Aug 24, 2010 - Aug 27, 2010 Santiago, Chile Apr 26, 2010
CAMS 2010 IFAC Conference Control Applications in Marine Systems
Sep 15, 2010 - Sep 17, 2010 Rostock, Germany Apr 20, 2010
IFACMMM 2010 13th Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
Aug 2, 2010 - Aug 4, 2010 Cape Town Apr 7, 2010
IFAC mech 2010 2010 IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems
Sep 13, 2010 - Sep 15, 2010 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Mar 15, 2010
AUTOMINING 2010 CASIM IFAC Conference Automation in the Mining Industry
Nov 10, 2010 - Nov 12, 2010 Santiago, Chile Mar 10, 2010
SSSC 2010 4th IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control
Sep 15, 2010 - Sep 17, 2010 Ancona, Italy Feb 21, 2010
AGRICONTROL 2010 IFAC IEEE Conference Modelling and Control in Agriculture, Horticulture and Post-Harvest Processing
Sep 6, 2010 - Sep 8, 2010 Kyoto, Japan Feb 15, 2010
TA 2010 IFAC Symposium Telematics Applications
Oct 5, 2010 - Oct 8, 2010 Timișoara, Romania Jan 31, 2010
NOLCOS 2010 IFAC Symposium Nonlinear Control Systems
Sep 1, 2010 - Sep 3, 2010 Bologna, Italy Jan 22, 2010
AVEC 2010 10th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control
Aug 22, 2010 - Aug 25, 2010 Loughborough, UK Dec 31, 2009
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