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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
SWJ Interactive Semantic Web 2022 Semantic Web Journal IOS Press Special Issue on Interactive Semantic Web
N/A N/A Jun 30, 2022
iTextbooks 2022 iTextbooks 2022 : Fourth Workshop on Intelligent Textbooks at AIED 2022
Jul 27, 2022 - Jul 31, 2022 Durham, UK May 26, 2022 (May 18, 2022)
REHAB 2022 REHAB 2022 : 6th Workshop on ICTs for improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques
Sep 8, 2022 - Sep 9, 2022 Teruel-Spain May 15, 2022
ICMI 2022 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces
Nov 7, 2022 - Nov 11, 2022 Bangalore, India May 13, 2022
HSI 2022 Human System Interaction 2022 Melbourne Australia
Jul 29, 2022 - Jul 31, 2022 Melbourne Apr 29, 2022
CW 2022 Cyberworlds
Sep 27, 2022 - Sep 29, 2022 Kanazawa, Japan Apr 22, 2022
GI 2022 Graphics Interface
May 17, 2022 - May 19, 2022 Montreal, Canada Mar 25, 2022
XRWALC 2022 1st Int. Workshop on Analytics, Learning & Collaboration in eXtended Reality @ ACM IMX
Jun 22, 2022 - Jun 24, 2022 Aveiro, Portugal Mar 16, 2022
INLG 2022 15th International Natural Language Generation Conference
Jul 18, 2022 - Jul 22, 2022 Maine, USA (hybrid conference) Mar 15, 2022
DIS 2022 Designing Interactive Systems
Jun 13, 2022 - Jun 17, 2022 Online Feb 18, 2022 (Feb 11, 2022)
IHM '22 – HCI-XAI 2022 IHM '22 – Human-Computer Interaction and Explainability in Artificial Intelligence
Apr 5, 2022 - Apr 5, 2022 Namur (Belgium Feb 18, 2022
TrainingXR @ IEEE VR 2022 Workshop on 3D Content Creation for Simulated Training in eXtended Reality (TrainingXR) @ IEEE VR 2022
Mar 12, 2022 - Mar 13, 2022 Virtual Jan 12, 2022
AI-in-th-loop 2022 AI-in-the-loop - Reconfiguring HCI for AI development | HCI International 2022
Jun 26, 2022 - Jul 1, 2022 virtual Dec 10, 2021 (Oct 31, 2021)
Frontiers - Human-Media Interaction 2021 Frontiers Research Topic on Computational Commensality
N/A N/A Nov 30, 2021 (Mar 31, 2021)
AI in HCI 2021 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction - Special Issue on AI in HCI
N/A N/A Oct 31, 2021
Human-centred AI in health 2021 ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction - Special Issue on Human-centred AI in healthcare: Challenges appearing in the wild
N/A N/A Oct 29, 2021
IUI 2022 Intelligent User Interfaces
Mar 22, 2022 - Mar 25, 2022 Helsinki, Finland Oct 8, 2021 (Oct 1, 2021)
Societies Special Issue Gaming/eSports 2021 The Impact of Games during the COVID19-Pandemic
N/A N/A Sep 30, 2021
GROUP 2022 International Conference on Supporting Group Work
Jan 23, 2022 - Jan 26, 2022 Sanibel Island, Florida, USA Sep 16, 2021
JNLE-NLPOCO 2021 Journal of Natural Language Engineering - Special Issue on NLP Approaches to Offensive Content Online
N/A N/A Aug 31, 2021
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