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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
The Dada App 2013 The Dada App
Aug 29, 2013 - Sep 1, 2013 Brighton, UK Mar 3, 2013
IDIL 2013 International Journal of IDIL
N/A N/A Feb 15, 2013
xCoAx 2013 xCoAx 2013: 1st International Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X
Jun 27, 2013 - Jun 28, 2013 Bergamo, Italy Jan 20, 2013
xCoAx 2014 Computation Communication Aesthetics and X
Jun 26, 2014 - Jun 27, 2014 Porto Portugal Jan 19, 2013
Law and Popular Culture 2013 Law and Popular Culture: International Perspectives
Jun 6, 2013 - Jun 7, 2013 Tilburg University, Netherlands Dec 1, 2012
MIGC 2013 FAILURE: call for creative work
Feb 15, 2013 - Feb 16, 2013 Milwaukee, WI Dec 1, 2012
ISEA 2013 19th International Symposium on Electronic Art
Jun 7, 2013 - Jun 16, 2013 Sydney, Australia Nov 16, 2012
CIANTEC 2012 International Congress in Art, New Technology and Communication
Oct 12, 2012 - Oct 14, 2012 INHOTIM, Minas Gerais, Brazil Jul 27, 2012
ARTECH 2012 6th International Conference on Digital Arts and New Media
Nov 8, 2012 - Nov 9, 2012 Faro, Algarve, Portugal Jun 24, 2012
LIPAM 2012 Live Interfaces: Performance, Art, Music
Sep 7, 2012 - Sep 8, 2012 ICSRiM, University of Leeds Jun 17, 2012
Akademeia 2012 [Akademeia] Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Journal - Call for papers (Submit for next issue by 05-31-12)
Sep 1, 2011 - May 31, 2012 n/a May 31, 2012
DRC Workshop 2012 Humans and Technology Relationship Workshop, DRC Bangkok 2012
Jul 1, 2012 - Jul 1, 2012 Bangkok Apr 20, 2012 (Apr 30, 2012)
MCACT 2012 Media Culture: Art, Communication, Technologies
Apr 12, 2012 - Apr 12, 2012 Kaunas Mar 2, 2012
Avignon 2012 Staging the Land - Site-Specific Creation and the Issue of perception
Jun 13, 2012 - Jun 15, 2012 Avignon, Provence, France Mar 1, 2012
AVANCA | CINEMA 2012 AVANCA | CINEMA 2012 International Conference Cinema – Art, Technology, Communication
Jul 25, 2012 - Jul 29, 2012 Avanca - Portugal Feb 29, 2012
AH 2012 Augmented Human (and Art) International Conference
Mar 8, 2012 - Mar 11, 2012 Megève ski resort, France Jan 13, 2012
Evomusart 2012 1st International Conference and 10th European Event on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design
Apr 11, 2012 - Apr 13, 2012 Malaga, Spain Dec 7, 2011
ACLA 2012 Representing the Holocaust: Present and Future, ACLA, March 29-April 1, 2012
Mar 29, 2012 - Apr 1, 2012 Providence, RI Nov 15, 2011
ADADA 2011 The 9th International Conference of Asia Digital Art and Design Association
Dec 9, 2011 - Dec 10, 2011 Kitakyushu,Fukuoka pref.JAPAN Nov 6, 2011
API 2012 The Art and Politics of Irony | L'Art et la politique de l'ironie
Apr 12, 2012 - Apr 14, 2012 Montreal, QC, Canada Sep 30, 2011
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