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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
EAI BROADNETS 2020 (Virtual) 11th EAI International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems
Dec 11, 2020 - Dec 12, 2020 Qingdao, People's Republic of China Oct 15, 2020
EAI CROWNCOM 2020 (Virtual) 15th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks
Nov 25, 2020 - Nov 26, 2020 N/A, Cyberspace Sep 14, 2020
BDAW 2020 Big Data and Advanced Wireless Technologies, Studies in Big Data Series, Springer
N/A N/A Aug 30, 2020 (Jun 14, 2020)
ESTC 2020 18st Embedded Systems Technical Conference
Oct 17, 2020 - Oct 18, 2020 Chengdu,China Aug 30, 2020
IEEE WiMob CWN20 Seventh International Workshop on Cooperative Wireless Networks
Oct 12, 2020 - Oct 12, 2020 Thessaloniki, Greece Jul 31, 2020
MONAMI 2020 MONAMI 2020 - 10th EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management
Nov 10, 2020 - Nov 12, 2020 Chiba, Japan Jul 1, 2020
IEEE 5G-WF 2020 IEEE 5G World Forum
Sep 10, 2020 - Sep 12, 2020 Virtual May 23, 2020
ETRIJ 5G&B5G 2020 ETRI Journal Special Issue on 5G & B5G Enabling Edge Computing, Big Data & Deep Learning Technologies
N/A N/A Apr 11, 2020
InteliMobile 2020 Special Issue on Intelligence-driven Mobile Networks for Smart Cities
N/A N/A Feb 15, 2020
ICL-GNSS 2020 International Conference on Localization and GNSS 2020
Jun 2, 2020 - Jun 4, 2020 Tampere, Finland Feb 15, 2020
5GET 2020 The Third International Symposium on 5G Emerging Technologies
Apr 20, 2020 - Apr 23, 2020 Paris, France Feb 10, 2020
ICIOT 2020 2020 International Conference on Internet of Things Call for Papers- EI Compendex and Scopus
Jun 22, 2020 - Jun 25, 2020 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Feb 5, 2020
M2EC 2020 The 2nd International Workshop on Recent Advances for Multi-Clouds and Mobile Edge Computing (M²EC 2020)
Apr 15, 2020 - Apr 17, 2020 Caserta, Italy Dec 20, 2019
NGWTCN 2019 Next Generation Wireless Terahertz Communication Networks : Call for Book Chapters
Jul 20, 2019 - Mar 1, 2020 Ireland Nov 15, 2019
WMO'19 Sixth Workshop on Microwave of Maxwell Laboratory (WMO'19)
Oct 22, 2019 - Oct 23, 2019 Cubatão Oct 2, 2019
Blockchain_Networks_Services 2020 IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering Special Issue on Blockchain in Future Networks and Vertical Industries
N/A N/A Oct 1, 2019
IEEE-5G-Security 2020 IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topic “5G Security: Can 5G Be Verifiably Secure?”
N/A N/A Sep 29, 2019
IRM 2020 Intelligent Resource Management for 5G and Beyond
N/A N/A Sep 1, 2019
WiMob - CWN 19 WiMob - CWN 2019: Sixth International Workshop on Cooperative Wireless Networks
Oct 21, 2019 - Oct 21, 2019 Barcelona Aug 8, 2019
ES5TI 2019 The First International Workshop on Efficient and Smart 5G Technologies for IoT
Oct 22, 2019 - Oct 25, 2019 Granada, Spain Jul 22, 2019
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